
Gender Equity Mechanics

Program Goal

Gender equity mechanics (GEM) is a volunteer opportunity aimed at increasing gender equity in cycling and the community, so that women, trans-femme and non-binary (WTFNB) folks feel comfortable and empowered engaging with bikes. GEM events help curate a safe space to learn skills, build confidence and grow community, as well as support Two Wheel View’s mission and vision. All levels are welcome.

Intended Outcomes

By creating a dedicated space for women, trans-femme and non-binary folks to volunteer, GEM aims to:

  • Foster gender equity within the cycling community
  • Create space for regular gatherings, volunteer opportunities and social events
  • Foster community connections and build relationships within the WTFNB community
  • Increase participants’ confidence fixing mechanical issues on their own
  • Cultivate a space of equity and inclusion where all identities can see themselves on a bicycle
  • Offer a safe space where female, trans-femme and non-binary people can learn and grow together
  • Promote cycling as a means for day-to-day travel across all genders and identities

Things we’re learning

We're driven to create this volunteer opportunity because:

  • We know that men make up a large share of cyclists in Canada, and that women, trans-femme and non-binary people are under-represented in cycling for transportation.
  • Historically, across all of our programs only about 25% of our participants identify as female, and less than 2% identify as trans-femme or non-binary despite ongoing efforts to increase participation in these gender groups. This number is likely higher, but as our youth programs require parental consent, there might not be accurate disclosure by youth who are not yet out or feel safe to be out at home.
  • We know that when WTFNB communities lack access to transportation options, particularly ones with great flexibility like cycling, they face barriers to full participation in school, work, play and public spaces.
  • We know that bikes can help riders get to places, but also away from places that might be impacting ones physical, emotional and mental health.
  • We know that if we can help young WTFNB folks overcome barriers to cycling at a young age, they are more likely to continue to use bicycles as they get older.
  • We know that when people see others who look like them on bikes, they are more likely to feel safe to participate too.

Join us at our Inglewood shop every second Wednesday of the month from 5:30-8:30 p.m. to fix some bikes, learn new skills and meet new people.

Impact Stories
My Story in GAP

May 11, 2023

I started GAP in late February and in the beginning of the program I was very shy and didn’t talk very much but with each week and getting to know the staff, my confidence grew more and more with each day of GAP.

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Program Impact


Number of TWV youth participants who identify as female


Number of TWV youth participants who identify as trans-femme/non-binary


GEM events / month

"I started GAP in late February and in the beginning of the program I was very shy and didn’t talk very much but with each week and getting to know the staff, my confidence grew more and more with each day of GAP. The GAP program and all the other staff at Two Wheel View showed me that I am allowed to be myself while doing my job!"

GAP Participant

Thank you to our funders and supporters

This program would not be possible without the support of our partners.

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